Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Amick Family Christmas Letter 2010

Ruby (age 5)

R - reading is being learned since she's in Kindergarten now
U - unusually expressive & theatrical, she keeps us all laughing
B - busy dancing in class and at home
Y - yodeling chicken calls to her flock each day while collecting eggs

Gabriella (age 9)

G - gardener - flowers & veggies
A - absolutely "Type A"
B - beautiful dancer, blessing many through her worship dance team
R - reading is a huge joy
I - interested in playing board games
E - excellent young sewer! Made PJ's, a jumper, pillowcase & apron
L - Little Mama Hen to her pet chickens
L - loves school!
A - artistic: violin, piano, singing, dance, painting, card making & pottery class

Elliot (age 11)

E - eager to help in the kitchen, quite the baker!
L - loves brussel sprouts & sushi (but not together!)
L - learning to downhill ski = new favorite winter activity
I - itchin' for a 12 string guitar! Plays guitar & piano & helps w/ worship
O - officially a brown belt in Karate - addressed as "Mr. Amick" now in class
T - totally hates math, but suffers through it anyway

Christopher (age 14)

C - "cool" clothing freak of the family
H - helps teach Karate classes as a brown belt, working towards BLACK!
R - rockin' to Christian music bands Mom doesn't enjoy, but Dad can groove on
I - into RipStiking for fun (similar to skate boarding)
S - still wishing for an iPod-touch....(keep wishing)
T - taller every single day! Passed up mom recently, and will soon overtake Dad!
O - official Amick dog whisperer w/our newly adopted dog Maggie and our beloved Pepper
P - playing piano as always
H - helped Grandpa Mark & siblings build sq. foot garden beds in the spring
R - ready to take driver's ed this summer! (Parents still in denial)


S - super busy homeschooling the kids
U - up on kids at church, keeping them all busy & connected to Christ as their youth leader
S - sweet tooth addiction conquered 2010 - YES!
A - a burnt-out cook dreaming of hiring a kitchen chef
N - never reaches the bottom of the "to-do" list


M - multiple work trips & speaking engagements
I - iPhone addicted
C - camping motivator
H - helping with kid's church Pathfinder group (like scouts)
A - a brand new Karate pupil in the dojo (his sons help instruct him)
E - elder at church
L - likes Netflix documentaries late night to relax

Family Highlights 2010:

All kids welcomed 2010 in with Chicken Pox over New Years!
Adopted another Dog (Maggie) a Golden Pyrenees
Incubated & hatched 8 chicken eggs in April that have become beloved pets
100 mile bike ride trip this summer
Visited Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit
Multiple camping experiences
Blue Ribbon winners in the county fair this year - all 4 kids - great fun!
Attended Lifelight Christian Music Festival in SD over Labor Day
Participated in a homeless awareness event - slept outside in boxes Oct. 29th
Operation Christmas Child warehouse volunteers in November - sending gifts to kids worldwide